
How much will the now ever increasing flight costs have on immigration into the UK?

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Cheap flights are going to be a thing of the past with ever spiralling oil (energy) prices. So the options of nipping back home for a minimal cost will not be available for lots of unskilled migrants.

What effect will that have on the ‘mobile’ cheap work force?

Will it benefit integration?




  1. hopefully it wont and they will go home before we are completely skint

    I was trying to answer your other question but yahoo will not let me. check out what northern rock did with the best part of their business they put in an offshore company being the best 40% and left us lumbered with the rest.The government knew this before they bailed the rest of the business out.Hence we bought the rocky loans and they kept the best loans.

    If that's business acumen then no wonder we are going down hill fast as Gordon was chancellor for so long.

  2. Cheap international flights don't really exist. OK, they may go up by £50 or so, but there's no international easyjet that really brought prices down in the first place. People will still keep coming and going as they always did, flight prices won't really change much.

  3. Don't worry my pedigree chum, i'm sure our government will simply feel sorry for them and ask us british people to pay for them (yet again), and their flights.

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