OTTAWA – Rogers-Yahoo, May 5, 2008. Canada could be barred from international carbon trading if a United Nations probe finds it broke Kyoto Protocol rules for greenhouse-gas reporting.
A statement posted on the UN Climate Change Secretariat's website says Canada was officially told May 5 it would be investigated for allegedly breaching a Kyoto greenhouse-gas reporting requirement. Meanwhile Canadian billionaire socialist Maurice Strong, whom they call the Godfather of Global Warming and the UN’s Climate Czar, who tried to steal then sell the people of Colorado their own water, is in CHINA avoiding legal ramifications much worse than any Kyoto late reporting and would have a lot to answer for concerning one of the UN ‘s many giant scandals, Oil for Food, among others.
So how much do Canadians owe to get in the UN’s good books again? They didn’t let us see the fine print where we owed them money whenever they decided. Yes, you can tell Maurice Strong lent a hand writing this.