
How much wine is having equal antoxication as one quarter 180ml of whisky?

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How much wine is having equal antoxication as one quarter 180ml of whisky?




  1. A little over 1 bottle.  1 bottle plus one glass.

    180 ml is about 6 ounces.   1 glass of wine (5 ounces) is equal to 1 shot of 80 proof whiskey.    5 glasses to the bottle.   You would need 6 glasses of wine(5 ounce glasses)

  2. In the UK we call 25ml Whisk(e)y - one unit of alcohol (based on 40% alcohol)

    Therefore 180ml = 7 and 1/5 units.

    A (125ml) glass of wine is counted as one unit so:

    125 x 7 1/5 = 900ml

    This is the equivalent of one bottle and one medium (150ml) glass of 'average' strength wine.

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