
How much work should I have to do on my pool if I have a weekly pool cleaner come out?

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I am a new homeowner with a pool and I have kept the existing pool man thus far. However, I have found myself having to do a good deal of clean up myself in between his weekly cleanings. Now the netting of leaves and debris I totally understand but what I am wondering about, is more along the lines of cleaning up the sides and bottom of the pool. My pool guy comes every wednesday but I have found that by Friday or Sat, I need to be brushing green stuff off the sides and bottom of the pool (last week was pretty bad).

If that is totally normal and my guy is doing a bang up job, I would love to know that (again, because I don't know). If the pool should be keeping relatively clean/clear in between his weekly visits and I should be giving this guy the boot, I'd appreciate knowing that too.

Thanks in advance!




  1. i am a lifeguard and have been for 2 or so years now. with my experience around pools, once a week is not enough, we clean the pool i work at every day, twice a day and there is still stuff to be cleaned at open every morning. the green stuff in your pool is probably alge, and the only thing that can get rid of that is algeside. the pool i work at is a jr. olympic size and we use 24 oz. of it every time we treat so you might want to use less. what you do is you fill a bucket up with water and pour about 8 oz. per bucket and pour it all around the edges of your pool but try to keep it mostly in the deep end.  hope i helped out!

  2. My parents have their pool cleaned once a week, and it's spotless. Even on the 7th day it doesn't look like it needs to be cleaned. Talk to him see what he's using, or call around ask other local cleaners what they think. It can't hurt.

  3. id say just ask him and just get any leaves out if they go inn

  4. Swim in it.....lots of work i know. Maybe scoop the occasional bug or leaf out. Cleaning it each week should be enuff for you to not have to do much of anything.

  5. Well everyday you need to clean out the leaves and stuff and put some tablets in it every week  

  6. Ideally, you shouldn't have to lift a finger other than netting the odd bit of debris out or doing a vac if you're having a Saturday party. Wednesday is a bad day of the week to have a service call. Most clients prefer to have Friday so that the pool is in shape for sure on a week end.

    An algae issue shouldn't be happening though. Have you told the service person? He may not be aware of an issue if all he sees on the Wednesday is a clean pool. Let him know. If the problem persists then he's not doing his job and not compensating for your particular conditions, water balance wise, weather wise and backyard issues like pollen generating plants etc.

    For weather related issues, give him the benefit of the doubt though. If it calls for blue sky in two days and it thunderstorms...can't blame him entirely for your pool turning green for example. It's a tough balancing act sometimes. You actually need to know the home owner ( party animal or not?) as well as the pool. You don't want the water so chemically treated it's unswimable but you also don't want it going green either. Sometimes it's a tightrope.

  7. the best way to keep algea from forming on the bottom is to swim in it or keep the water moving and to have the proper chemicals in it...i find salt water pools keep clean better than chlorine pools...

    the best and cheapest way to keep it clean is to sweep it every other day and to buy the vacuum robot to keep your pool clean for you...i have it and i have no need for a pool guy...i only call the pool guy once every few months to have him check everything and make sure im doing a good job


  8. I have pool at parents house when I live there. No one is cleaning it except me. It take like two hour each day to keep pool swim able.

    Finally, I give up, just let it go. At the end my father just cover the pool with soil. It is now just a grass land.

    If you want to have a pool make sure you are rich enough have pool guy doing it. Have the kid doing affect their school work. Why do you want a house with a pool just stupid. For a few swim?

    I think only thing that work clean once per week is for the pool indoor.

  9. You shouldn't have to CLEAN the pool such as the green stuff, it should have been fixed by the pool aunt noticed that using some sort of salt water is better than chlorine for your pool. So ask them about that. Now with your leaves problem...thats just what comes along w/ getting a pool. My aunt also has a vaccume in her pool it "crawls" along the floor of the pool and sucks up all the leaves. It is like $600 tho.

  10. pool cleaner it,t a problem to my swimming club too every year in the Begin of the championship season they,ve to clean the pool what do i founding another swimming pool or waiting on home.

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