
How much would I learn in tumbling class?

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OK, so starting on Monday, I am going to take this tumbling class, I already have the easy basics, including my back walk over, so I think next I will learn how to do a backhand spring, The class is once a week, for 8 weeks, and I am a pretty fast learner, will I be able to learn how to do anything like a back tuck, do they even teach you how to do a back tuck?




  1. for classes in my area it matters on what level you sign up for.

    and/or age.

    at the bigginer level you'll probibly work on techniques for the basics. forward rolls, backwards rolls, hand stands, walk overs, basic stuff...and then might go for the back hand spring.


    builds on the back hand spring.


    fulls and stuff.

    as on the back tuck stuff...matters if you can do a back hand spring since its alittle harder. (or so i've seen from my team mates) and one class a week isn't alot of pratice to get these skills down...unless you go to team pratice, open gym, or have a mat at your house to pratice more on.

  2. since you have your back walk over you should start learning how to do your backhand spring. yes they do teach you how to do a back tuck once you get your backhand spring down.

  3. They will probably go over cartwheels,round-offs,walkovers,handspri... flips.(:

    Hope I Helped.(:

  4. i dont know

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