
How much would I need per month to live comfortably in New Delhi?

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In euros or dollars.




  1. diana,

    Like any other big city, Delhi too has posh, not so posh and rather rough areas. Within those areas you have the option of hiring multi storied appartment, stand alone houses or sharing a floor within stand alone houses.

    Depending on where you want to stay and how long you are in Delhi, you might need conveyance. So it could either be a taxi or your own vehicle.

    You want to cook yourself or eat out ? etc etc

    I am tempted to give you a rough figure but what kind of living you are looking at makes all the difference. And I wouldnt want to give an unrealistic figure.

  2. single ?  in hostel ?  ok..

    For rent.. Rs.4000/- to 4500/-....4500

    For food        ....... ...........           3500

    For transportation etc.,              1000

    misc. expenditures..                  2500  electricity, mobile etc.,

    total..                                         11500    

    one u.s.dollor eqauls to rupees 47/-    say  230 u.s.dollors....

    The above expenditure is for hostel.  if you need separate flat, it will cost more..say  rent will come to 200 u.s.dollors.

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