
How much would I need to have....?

by  |  earlier

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hii~ ^^

i'm planning on saving up money to go to korea since its too much for my parents to pay.. =/

i want to know:

♥ how much the plane tickets'll cost

♥ how much a decent apartment for one person would be

♥ on average, how much money would i be spending a month?

♥ how much a korean high school uniform is

♥ how much would i have to pay for schools?

i think i'll be able to get a job in korea~ by the way.. what jobs should i try? o.o i'll be 15 next year and i want to go to korea all summer and stay there for a month or two and go to school ><" is this even possible.. anyways! i do have relatives in korea but i only know my aunt (only person i met) and my cousins but i'm not close with them.. i mean i can live w/ them for like 1 week or a few days but that's it so yeah..

if you can answer all these questions.. i'll be EXTREMETLY grateful~ <3 ^^ plus if you answer them, i'll give 10 points =3 being detailed helps too =]

please and thank you! =3




  1. lol what the above person said. i would like to emphasise that being that young, its probably not suitable to live alone. you&#039;ll have hard to adjusting to the life and ur parents must support you. there wont be too many (if not, at all) places where they&#039;ll hire 15 years old in Korea. This isn&#039;t america or australia where they hire 14/15 years old and give them 5 bucks etc.

    ill seriously reconsider going if i were you. korea is a fantastic country to live in but it can also be dangerous and people can take advantage of you.

  2. Well, for one you are going to find it very hard to find an apartment here at your age. Especially because they don&#039;t really like renting houses out here.  You normally buy them.  Also utilities can be pricey here if you don&#039;t watch it.  We let our air conditioner run all month last month and the electric bill was 1000 USD to give you some idea.  I&#039;m not sure how much rent will be for you if you do get a place though.  We have a 4 bedroom and its 1200 a month, but we also don&#039;t live in Seoul so it&#039;s a bit cheaper.  If I had to guess I think it would be about the same as in the states, maybe 500-600/month

    A plane ticket costs about 1300 round trip.  Now if you plan on staying for a year or more you will not have a return date so buying a one way ticket usually costs about 600 dollars.  Check the discount travel places.  One thing to note is that if you decide to do the one way ticket thing, discount travel places will only leave from the US so you can&#039;t buy a discount ticket on your way back home.  I have heard that the return tickets are really expensive if you have to buy them from a Korean agency.

    As for a job I&#039;m not sure if they have any age restrictions but if you can&#039;t speak Korean you will have a harder time finding a job.  Any job that you would find, because of your age, probably wouldn&#039;t pay enough for utilities and an apartment.

    For school the prices aren&#039;t that bad.  Where we live tuition for 1 year is less than 700 USD.  They are trying to transition some and the new president wants all high school classes to be taught in english so you may not have as much of a problem understanding if you don&#039;t speak korean.  Also something to remeber is that kids go to school year round and on Saturdays here.  So you will want to time it out right so that you start at the beginning of their school year (I&#039;m not exactly sure when that is)

    As to how much you would spend a month, I would count on about 300-500 for utilities depending on how thrifty you are.  Grocery stores here on the Korean economy are pretty pricey so you will pay quite a bit for food ( I can&#039;t tell you how much we are military so we don&#039;t shop on the economy) and furnishing your apartment (towels dishes etc.)  A lot of apartments come with the furniture.  You also have to factor in transportation because you won&#039;t be able to drive.

    I would seriously think twice about coming.  Yeah I know it would be cool to come over here and live but this country can be dangerous if you are here alone at your age and not knowing your way around.  You will end up broke and miserable if you come over here and your parents aren&#039;t paying for your bills.  I hope everything works out for you and I hope you well if you do come.  If you have any questions feel free to email me.

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