
How much would a 1955 bus ticket cost?

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i'm doing a book report project for my english class, and one of my pages is all about a bus ticket from 1955. i was wondering if anyone knew the estimated cost of the ticket? if this matters or not, but the ticket is from New Orleans, LA to Bristol, TN. any estimation will help! :D thanks.




  1. Try contacting Greyhound. If you tell them you're doing a report on the subject, someone may be able to help you out.

    I once worked at a large retailer, and we would get many questions regarding the past history of the company. As one of the longest-serving employees, I was normally asked to provide the answers, and I was always happy to do it. There are probably a few people at the bus company who could do the same.

  2. I am guessing $10-15.

  3. 1955:

    House: $22,000

    Average income: $4,137

    Ford car: $1606-$2944

    Milk: $.92

    Gas: $.23

    Bread $.18

    Postage stamp: $.03

    Sirloin chops: $ .69 lb.

    Pot Roast: $.43 lb.

    Eggs, doz.: $.61

    Coffee: $.93 lb.

    Milk, ½ gal. $.43

    Potatoes, 10 lb. bag: $.53

    Starkist Tuna, 6 ½ oz. can: $.25 lb.

    Oreo cookies, 11¾ .oz pkg: $.39

    Potato Salad, pint: $.29

    Cracker Jack, 24 pac: $1.49

    Apple cider,½ gal.: $.49

    Gum Drops, 1½ lb. pkg: $.29

    Ivory Soap, 2 bars: $.29

    Mickey Mouse lunchbox: $.88

    Slinky: $.88

    Nylons, pair: $1.00

    Home permanent: $1.50

    Baseball Glove: $9.95



    The Winnipeg Tribune - June 10, 1954

    "100 Per Cent Hike Asked in Zone Fares"

    Zone bus fares may be doubled by the Transit Commission. In view of company, loses in the last fiscal year amounting to $118,000, a proposal has been submitted to suburban councils asking approval for raising the fares to 10 cents. Zone fares are now five cents.

    Hope it helps.

  4. Distance is 713 miles more or less.

    Home town into the nearest city was 35 cents for 12 miles, so say 3 cents per mile.  That would make it somewhere near $21.50, rounded to the nearest half dollar.

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