
How much would a 1bd apt cost in a bad area of venice beach?

by  |  earlier

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thats all a friend of mine can afford and he isnt worried about not being a a goody goody neiborhood.

how much is the price for this area?




  1. I thought this was the DINING OUT section?

  2. $3.50

  3. probably $2000 for a one bedroom.

  4. My wife and I live in Tn. We travel all over the country in our work.  Last year we were in California for most of the year in several locations.  Irvine, LA, San Diego, San Fran... Venice ALL HAVE UNBELIEVABLE PRICES ON LIVING SPACE.!!!  Unless your wealthy, don't even THINK about buying anything out there.  I don't know for sure, but I would say for a little dump your looking at a minimum of $1500 To $2000 / month.  Plus, Venice beach is like 'crime central' man. It is a messed up place.  Good Luck

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