
How much would a 2000 reds baseball team autographed by the whole team with ken griffey on the front be worth?

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just wondering cause ill sell it on ebay




  1. First off, you're going to get the morons who write "whatever someone is willing to pay" which is the most useless answer in the history of answers. How that is supposed to be helpful is beyond me.

    Second, you won't get much because it's not certified. 95% of the autos out there are fake (not that I"m saying yours is) and everyone knows it so the only autos that sell are ones that are certified. I'm not sure how much it would cost to get yours DNA certified, which would be the only way, but it would probably cost more than the ball is worth.

    As for its worth, it's a bad team with only one sure-fire HOFer, Griffey, so basically it's worth about what a Griffey auto would be worth, so maybe $75, maybe as much as $100 because it's the whole team, but only to a die hard Reds fan.

    Like the one guy said, why sell it? It would be a great item to pass on to your kids someday.

  2. well since Ken i will go pretty high but might drop b/c the 2000 team was that good.

    So 110-250

  3. This one is hard.

    Why would you sell it? If you went through all that trouble to get every single player form that year to sign it why not keep it and pass it on to your kids?

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