
How much would a 50MW coal fired plant cost to build?

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How much would a 50MW coal fired plant cost to build?




  1. The cost estimate is quite  a tedious work. You will need a million dollars or more depending on your materials and steam turbine and alternator make.

  2. 50 MW is pretty small for a coal fired plant.

    Duke Energy is building an 800 MW plant that is estimated to cost $1.53B.  That works out to be around $2M per MW.  Duke already owned the land and there are some economies of scale with a plant that large.

    In Vietnam, State-owned Vietnam Coal & Minerals Corp., or Vinacomin, has signed a contract with U.S.-based AES Corp. to build a 2000 MW coal-fired power plant at a cost of US$1.4 billion.  That's $700K per MW.

    Using the Vietnam cost per MW, your "best case" estimate would be around $35M US.  The Duke example would cost you $100M US for a 50 MW plant.  

    Where the plant is being built (country) will play a major factor in your cost.  To be safe, I'd add another 20 to 30% to your final estimate.

    Other factors include:

    - Regulatory requirements

    - Environmental requirements

    - Transmission line extensions and interconnections

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