
How much would a baseball autographed by bob feller?

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i hav one and want to know if i can get some ca$h for it.




  1. Utterchaos is right.  Bob Feller is the most over available autographer that there is out there.  He goes just about anywhere that they will pay him a $1,000 appearance fee to sign autographs.

    His name on a ball is really only about $25 bucks.  Maybe $50 if it is an authentic MLB ball.

    I can tell you a cool story about that Bob Feller musuem in Van Meter, Iowa.  It was the summer of 1995.  I was in grad school at Ohio State and my buddy had just gotten his Masters in Film from Florida State.  He had gotten an internship with Disney out in LA.  So we packed up all his stuff and moved him across the country via I-80.

    It was just outside Des Moines around 6 PM and we saw a sign for the Feller Museum.  However, it said that groundbreaking for the museum would be about 4 days later.  We decided to stop and check it out.

    Van Meter is a typical farm town.  There was a bank, a convenience store, a post office and a bar.  That's it.  The bar didn't even have a name, it just had a neon sign in the window that said "Bar".  We go into the convenience store and ask about the museum.  They didn't know anything.  So then we go to "Bar" and order a beer.  ($.65 for a 10 oz. draft).  Obviously, my friend and I stood out.  He was a total hippie at the time and I looked like the lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots.  We get to talking with the regulars and we find out that the museum is going to be by the bank and all of the stuff that will be in the museum is currently in the bank vault.

    My grandfather was a huge Indians fan and I really wanted to get him something.  So after about 4 beers, my friend and I walk over to the bank.  It's about 7 pm and the bank is closed.  However, we could see people inside still working.  So we start banging on the door.  This little old woman comes to the door and unlocks it.  Now here's this 60 year old woman unlocking a bank door to a 5'5" jewish hippie and a 6'2" guy who looks like he missed the tour bus back to Seattle.  The first words out of my friends mouth were, "Hi.  We're on our way to LA, but we saw your sign on the freeway ...."

    Well, the woman not only understood our plight, she let us in the bank and took us into the vault.  There we saw thousands of pieces of baseball memorobilia neatly packed up, waiting to be displayed in the coming museum.  She let us go through all the stuff.  I bought an autographed postcard which I mailed to my grandfather right there in town so it would have the Van Meter postmark.  And my friend bought a picture and two autographed balls.  We paid the lady cash.  We thanked her very much.  She thanked us for stopping and hoped we would tell our friends about Van Meter.  Then we got back in the truck and drove another 9 hours until we got so tired that we spent the night in North Platte, Nebraska.

    That's my little story about the kindness and spirit of the American heartland that I like to tell.  Two goofy looking college kids who hadn't had a haircut or a shave in months stop in a small farming town.  Trusting little old lady realizes that despite our appearances, we were just baseball fans.  So little old lady and goofy looking college guys hang out in the vault of the town's only bank for 30 minutes talking about the National Pastime.

    That, my friend, is the American Spirit.


  3. $300

  4. It's not worth $300 or $200 like the other two idiots who tried to pass off guesses as answers. It's almost as bad as the moron who writes "whatever someone is willing to pay" which is another pointless answer. It sickens me seeing morons come in here and give their guesses as answers to these the questions.

    The ball might be worth $100 if it was certified. Since I'm guessing it's not, you really couldn't get anything for it. And if it was certified, it's still a buyers market so you wouldn't get its actual worth - you might get as much as $50 for it on Ebay.

    Check ebay for verication and ignore the idiots with their lame guesses.

  5. ebay is the best bet.

    There is a Bob Feller museum west of Des Moines on I80 in Van Meter, Iowa--might want to call and see what they are asking for his autographed balls there.  Give you a good starting place to auction it.

  6. Bob Feller has probably signed more stuff than any player in history.  A ball that was NOT signed by Feller would probably be worth more (LOL).

    There's 31 currently for sale on ebay, some with a "buy it now" for $34.99.  Searching completed listings shows one that sold for just $12.99.  It's nowhere near the $200 or $300 that some people are saying.

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