
How much would a basic first rifle cost? ?

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I want something with a scope on it, but for a first rifle what would you recommend? I'm a pretty good shot for what I have done with it and wish to join a club and get my licence to own one, just wanted to look at the main costs involved? Also what would be the main equipment I would need? I dont want this in my house though, I would like to store the rifle at the club, is this a possibility as well? I'm in Brisbane, QLD.




  1. .22 bolt action or automatic (depends on your preference) but they are good reliable rifles. I have seen .22's for around $200 in pawn shops with scopes on them so you should be able to get one for a steal.

  2. A rifle at the club won't do you any good when you need it...oh wait, you are a serf who must bow to the will of the government and not a true free citizen to whom the government must bow.

    I feel sorry for you.

    First you need to determine what general type of rifle and for what purpose.

    Do you want something mainly just for close to medium range target shooting? That would be a .22LR rimfire of some sort

    Do you want something for longer range shooting, something you could hunt deer with? That would require a centerfire rifle of some sort

  3. G'Day mate i recommend a cz .22 mag they are very accurate with a little more power than a cz .22 lr.But if you buy a .22 lr make sure it has a short barrel because the long barrel you loose bullet speed and a little accuracy.cheers mate

  4. My first rifle was a 22.LR and its been a nice gun and only paid about 250 for it with scope

  5. You should start with a small caliber. Here in the states you could get a nice .22 rifle and scope for under 200 bucks. You would need a case and a cleaning kit as well which would be another 50 dollars or so.

  6. I'm a firm believer that a person's first rifle should be a .22 LR. The guns are relatively inexpensive (at least in America). The recoil is minimal. The report is minimal. The ammunition is inexpensive. That means its easy to learn good shooting skills. Additionally the .22 LR makes an excellent small game rifle. If you're so inclined.

    As for which .22 LR, that's a matter of personal choice. A lot of people on Yahoo! Answers like the Ruger 10/22 and Marlin model 60. Both are good, solid guns. However since you're in Australia, you may run into a problem with those guns since they are semi-automatic. I'd recommend taking a look at the Savage Mk. II or Stevens model 300 rifle since Savage (and its Stevens economy line) have a reputation for inexpensively delivering accuracy and reliability (even if they don't have a reputation for being the most beautiful guns in the world). A Savage Mk II or Stevens 300 shouldn't run more than $150-$250 American.

    As for what equipment you need, check with your local police force. While Wikipedia has some information on Australia's gun laws, the local police will be able to provide a far more accurate information. The same applies for storing a weapon at a gun club.

  7. If you can keep it in your home, I would, unless you're that afraid of it being stolen (which case, I'd still keep it for self-defense).

    For a first-time female, I would recommend a lower caliber, no higher than a .243. You can work up, but start yourself with something that won't develop bad habits.

    Get a cleaning kit, and any tools necessary to disassemble the bolt (most need none, but some do).

    You can get a complete package (rifle w/ scope) cheaper than buying a separate rifle and scope. If you're willing to spend about $300, you can get a decent one and probably have change left over.

  8. Look at Ruger 10-22.  $200-$275 nd a scope for about $150 all at Wal-Mart

  9. a 243 would be good for a first rifle,  you can get one for anywhere between 250 to 500 bucks with scope.      

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