
How much would a horse cost?

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Ok there is this horse on the internet and she is $3,500. She is 14 hands and suposally she does not have ANY bad habits, and she is halter broken. How much would it cost for a small barn(we have alpacas, and they have a barn but they can NOT share the same fence. Would it be better, to have 2 horses? Cuz I heard that they get lonely and then something happens to them. How much would it cost for vet bills, fencing(what is the cheapest kind of fence? And brushes? We have a stockmans here(a tack,brush,halter,feed store)and we have 1 acre. So could you help me? I have been wanting a horse for a LONG time, and now my parents are in the"if you get ur grades up"state. It took me a year to get them to a least consider a horse. But they know that a horse is my favorite animal, so yeah. Can you help me? Thanx!!!!Oh and we live in the midwst where there are a lot of hills, and open places so would I need to put a dog in there to keep it safe?Thanx!!!TTYL!!!http://www.painthorses-r-us




  1. $250 a month to feed at least one horse.i know this because i am a horse owner myself.but thats just for the feed.theres steel vet bills if injured EXPENSIVE!!!!!also the grooming supplies halter lead rope to. fencing????well an acer is not to expensive. i recommend for a cheap fencing step in post and bob wiring. Mare horses (female horses) do better alone then stallions (male horses) so your in luck!!! Also in the summer most horses need fly masks.

    My horse has fly bites all over her face from those dang flies.rubber curry combs are needed for a horse same as steel curry combs.those go any where from $6 to $10 bucks. i also know from experience that when your horse is running in th pen most dogs go crazy  and cause bucking and kicking from the horse. so i would say fence every thin up tight so the dogs cant get in and so your horse doesnt try to sqeeze threw

    and cause injury. sine you have a hilly property and not a flat plain or field mabey bord your horse at a close friends house or a bordind ranch!!! but mabey your the kind of person that wants to walk right out there front door a see there horse!!!! well you basicly bleed all the info out of my!!!!lol!!! hope i could help!!!! shayshayice!!!!!p.s. if fencing is to expensive the bording ranch would work out perfict!!!!!!!!!!! again hope i could help!!!!! shayshayice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i think it will cost more than you,,,, and plus they're not even

  3. Carly H,

    My friends sister bought a hores for about 1000 dollars. Good luck

    Alex East

  4. that depends on the breed

  5. Bargain, nowadays we have Bankcrupt home, and whole shale of cars, then should be some kind of big sale for horse.

  6. more than you can imagine! my mother has two of the stupid things and they eat money and s**t it out like it is their job. let me just give you a brief outline of what you would need to buy for the horse.

    -board (you will need a place to keep it and boarding is not cheep at most barns)

    -hay (this has gotten quite pricey)

    -grain/oats (they eat this daily and it too is not cheap)

    -vet (horses like people need shots and "check ups" $$$)

    -farrier/blacksmith (almost monthly your horse will need a trim to their hooves and new shoes for summer and winter $$$$$$)

    -tack (if you plan to ride your horse you will need a saddle, bridle, halter, helmet, boots, riding pants and chaps.)


    -whip/riding crop

    -if u suck at riding u will need lessons $$$

    -if the lessons don't go so well you will need to up your insurance policy

    with the money you will spend you should just sell your car and ride your horse because you will not be able to pay for gas.

    have fun!

  7. Horses can end up costing a lot of money, especially if you need to build a barn from the ground up. One way to keep the cost down is going on to find a horse that needs a home, they usually just ask for a small adoption fee. Also, the people at the shelter will know a ton of information about the specfic horse and will have barns there that you can take a look at and advise for you on how much you will pay for the care of the horse, since they pay to care for lots of horses. Good luck

  8. HOnestly, if you have no experience with horses, I would not get one. Horses cost A LOT of money. And we're not talking simple, everything with horses is expensive, Hay is getting mroe expensive, Feed is expensive, Tack is expensive. Vet and farrier care is very expensive. What happens if your horse gets hurt? Do you ahve the $1000+ that will go towards their medical bill? DO you have enough money to get his hooves trimmed every 6 or so week? What ifh e needs shoes? Can you afford to get his teeth floated, to get his vacciens, to worm him every 6 weeks?

    Honestly, I'd just take lessons or something if I were you. An acre isn't exactly enough room for a horse to run around. And you'd have to make sure your pasture was good, no posionis plants, just take lessons or something.

  9. it does depend on the breed but they r around 1,000 dollors no kidding my friend told me she is a expert on horses she has like 8 of them she must be rich so ya about 1,000

  10. that depends on the breed !!!! good luck!!!

  11. I'm a beginner horse person. But I am buying a horse from a trail riding place. She's a really good horse, I've taken her off the trails to ride on the side of the road and everything, she's wonderful. She too is 14 hands, but they wanted $800 for her. My friend is buying a qh from them, so we are getting a deal where they are both $750. Her dad is building a barn, which he says with the wood he's using will be about $300, with a tack room. The fence we are using is the electrical fence. Horses are herd animals and they need a companion. So if you can get another horse. You can get an older for a companion for a couple hundred dollars, but most that are sold as pasture companions aren't recommened to ride. I hope this helped you at least alittle.

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