
How much would a kitten be at the r.s.p.c.a?

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about how much would a kitten be from the r.s.p.c.a rescue center (U.K) what would be the cheapest breed to get and how much would it cost?




  1. It really depends on which RSCPA you are adopting from. Since they are individually operated, there is not one universal amount set. The cost can range from $50 to $150 or more. Before adopting, be sure to find out what kind of medical care did the kitten receive such as whether the kitten is up to date with all the shots/vaccinations and if the kitten has been altered.  

  2. There is not a generic price, this will depend on where in the country you live as to how much it will cost.

    At the RSPCA is it unlikely there will be any specific breeds for you to choose from apart from moggies.

    If you want a breed you will have to keep checking in with the RSPCA or local Cats Protection, or go direct to a breeder.

    I would highly recommend getting a either a cat or a kitten from a shelter, then you know your helping unwanted and homeless animals, as opposed to breeders making money.

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