
How much would a regular baby albino ball python cost at an reptile expo?

by Guest59254  |  earlier

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How much would a regular baby albino ball python cost at an reptile expo?




  1. The cheapest I've ever seen an albino ball python go for is $700, and that was a male, which are usually less expensive than females. It was also a dealer selling out all his stock and getting out of breeding.  

    You might be able to get one at an expo for about that, if you're lucky, but the general range is anywhere from $800-$1200, depending on s*x and quality. I've seen them go for as much as $1500-$3000 before.

  2. Around $1000. Definitely not 50.

  3. 50 or so

  4. it depends where you live and they can be on sale

  5. I'm guessing anywhere between $125 to $175 Because my regular non albino baby ball python was like $75.

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