
How much would a tattoo taking up 2/3 of my back cost?

by Guest58044  |  earlier

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I want to get a tattoo covering about 2/3 of my back and was wondering the price it would be for a good one.

Here's a picture of it:




  1. well it all depends on where you go, who inks you, how much time it takes, the detail in it, how many sittings, if you go to a shop or someone's house, and if you know the artist.

    for instance, my guy would probably only charge me about $200 for something like that, but thats because i go to him often, he works out of his house, and ive known him for years. if you go to a shop they will charge you ALOT more because they have to pay shop dues, and its usually 50% of what they charge you, so they are only getting half. i would say in the average shop that would cost about $1500.

  2. depends on the artist, how reputable, and where you live. my husband is a tattoo artist, and says he'd charge roughly $150, assuming it would be colored in.

    take ur pic to different artists in ur area and check. some states are way more than others, and remember, cheap work=shotty tattoo.

    good luck

  3. Well my tattoo covers mostly my back not lower half and my right shoulder blade down my arm that tat was around 4800 bucks depending how big you are i would say a grand to 2 grand  

    My tat is highly detailed thats why it took a long time  

  4. A good tattoo ain't cheap and a cheap tattoo ain't good. Just remember that saying and you'll be alright. In Idaho, you piece would cost roughtly $1000. Awesome choice, by the way.  

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