
How much would a traffic ticket cost? I was going 47 in a 35. Also it was in Missouri.. if that matters?

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traffic ticket




  1. Depends on where it was, and who pulled you over, fees vary by city. My ticket in Kansas City by the KCPD was like $85 for 13 over, but that was a few years back, I heard they are doing "gas fees" on tickets now..?

  2. I know that in the state of Mass. if you get pulled over for doing over the speed limit, you are screwed big time...

    If a state police officer pulls you over and gives you the citation then your amount will be quite a bit like $50- 75, just for doing 13 over, I know ridiculous but that is the way they work over here. But if a city cop pulls you over then you may get lucky, not saying that you will get away with it but you might be talking like a $25-40 fine and on top of that you do remember that your insurance goes up for two years!!

    Good Luck!! I hope this helps you.... Hey next time tell them that your speedometer is broke maybe that will help, I've seen that one on speeders!!

  3. I know a person who just paid a $186.00 fine for going 46 in a 30 zone.  Every location is different.  Simply call the cops and ask them.

  4. Call the police and ask,  sometimes it tells you on the back of the ticket.  

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