
How much would a windmill cost to get enough energy for a 1500 sq.ft.home . What kind to use?

by  |  earlier

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seriously i want lots of info.




  1. Good Question!

    The answer isn't that simplistic, however.  Alternative energy systems are not sized by the sq ft of the facility/home they provide power to.  There just isn't a formula around that can take into account individual power needs or desires.  For example, I sized a solar array to provide for two houses in a subdivision in So Cal.  These houses were identical, had the same number of people in each and had the same aspect to the sun.  However, one family was using up about $700/mo in electric power on average, and the other family was using only $260/mo on oaverage.

    These homes were "grid-tied" which means they ran on a "net-metering" protocol.  During the day, when power was generated, it fed into the electric grid and turned their electric meters backwards.  During the night, when the were using power, the meter ran forwards.  The grid acted like a battery bank.

    Now brings into question several things about YOUR power system, as individual as the cars we drive or the clothes we wear....

    1.  How much power do you use in the highest month?

    2.  Are you in a remote area and need to be off-grid?

    3.  Does your state have a mandatory grid-tie law?

    4.  What are you plans for family expansion, etc. for the future?

    So the best way to design a system to suit your needs is to contact a professional.  Check the source list below and check out the website and contact one of the professionals there.

  2. The source is a supplier. The square feet of you home does not matter at all. The electric usage does. Check your electric bill to get that information. I would think you would need the Bergey Excel, which costs over $20,000.

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