
How much would an average resturant meal cost in Antalya, Turkey?

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I'm traveling to Antalya and wanted to see if it's worth getting all inclusive hotel or just B&B and eat in outside resturants.




  1. Go all inc in turkey it works out a lot better and the hygiene standards are much better ( you will get bad guts unless you have an iron constitution)

    Most places charge about the same as a typical cafe over here and the standard is about the same.

  2. It's cheap like $5 a plate but it's kinda dirty

  3. I have just returned from Alanya and ate out every night, a typical meal being Grilled Chicken breast with salad, chips, rice for my wife and Grilled Lamb chops with salad for me etc, with side dishes and garlic bread this was usually washed down with 1/2 glasses of Efes Beer shandy. total cost with tip around 35 ytl or £15.00

  4. I think B&B and eat out, most places are very clean and reasonable, its very friendly there, what part of Antalya are you going to, Side is really nice, are you travelling alone.

    If your a family then all inclusive would probably be a good idea but make sure they cater for your nationality

  5. I guess it depends on the standard of hotel.

    If its a decent high star hotel id opt for all inclusive, that way you can still go out the odd night for a change as its dirt cheap to eat out.

    I didnt rate the majority of resturants in the area i stayed in in Antalya, they were all a little on the dingy side.

  6. I think people should definetely not go to all inclusive hotels in Turkey. Yes all the beaches are awesome and there are nice hotels BUT! the most spectacular facet of Turkey is its civilization and culture. There are Germans and Belgians who come here and go back w/out seeing a single ancient city, smoking hookah in a café, even without seeing Istanbul, the bosporus. And there are so much places to go visit and so many good places for water sports, countless cheap stuff, the meal....

    In other words: i dont want tourists to come to my country and go without seeing anything.

    and to answer you, a nice meal cost you very cheap sometimes even 3 dollars (lahmacun ayran) and if youre american, im sure you ll like it

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