
How much would contacts i would use once or twice a week cost?

by  |  earlier

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i need some contacts for when i play airsoft and when i go out, which is like once a week because of work.... so i would wear the contacts like 4 or 5 times for airsoft and maybe 3 or 4 times more per month for when i go out or something... so i want to know how much would that cost...?

Also how much will the doctor appointment cost, i already have a prescription for glasses when i went to the doctor 2 months ago, should that be fine? And how much should i expect to pay for the doctor fitment and all that other stuff you need to do for contacts.


my mom has insurance, for example i think we get free eye exam so im pretty sure she has coverage on that, so how much should it cost us?




  1. You can purchase a package of disposables and simply wear a pair when you need it- since they're not being opened or exposed to the 'outside world' until the day you use them,  two boxes (one for each eye) can last you a year.

    If you buy monthlies, though, you need to change the solution every other day no matter what, and you still need to throw them out every month. If you're using contacts often, though, these are cheaper.

  2. In that case they should last you awhile.  I get a 6month supply from Walmart for about $70.  Since you don't wear them often... I would say a 6month supply would last you a year.

  3. You need a separate perscription for contacts than for glasses.  For a years supply of contacts that,  it costed about $180.  It included the eye exam and the contacts.  Each contact lasts for two weeks, and can be reused after staying in the case for over a  month.  The contacts for a year were about $60.  It can vary.

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