
How much would gas prices be if half the money spent for iraq?

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was spent at home for oil exploration,alternative fuels,alternative research




  1. There are three results.

    1. US Supply of oil/gas would be more, and demand for the same would be lessened, both would depress prices.

    2. The instability of the Middle East would be lessened as well, meaning speculators thriving on turbulence in Iraq qould probably have less reason to push oil futures contracts higher.

    3. What would probably be better is that the money was not spent by the government at all. The additional costs of the war have prompted the US government to borrow incredible amounts from foreigners. This debt has weakened the value of the US dollar (oil is traded in dolalrs worldwide) and helped gas prices shoot up.

    So, with more stability (Saddam was pure evil, but was a force of stability) a more powerful dollar, and less consumption from the US, we would see three reasons gas prices would be depressed.

    How much? Thats pure guess. based on 2002 prices, and guessing for increases in Asian demand for oil, and believing the dollar's value wasn't completely wrecked, I'd say maybe $2/gallon cheaper than it is today.

  2. A little bit less than it is now. World supply and demand outweighs speculation 60/40. The fundamentals of supply and demand make for speculative technical conditions.

    .50/gallon cheaper is my guess.

    Hurricane Katrina didn't help.

  3. we saw justice being done in Iraq by suppressing a we are paying for the entertainment we had (as the gulf war )by paying for the fuel.every penny spent destroying a country will have to be retrieved in double to build it.we should have prevented the war when we could!. Now we have to seriously think of an alternative energy or bring out the bicycle.

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