
How much would it be and is it feasable to just pick up and go to France?

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like all the expenses to move to another country (France) from the US. And are they generally friendly to people who don't speak their language fluently?




  1. Do you have a EU passport?

    If not, it is not possible to just move to another country at will.  As a US citizen you're allowed to stay in France, or most other European countries, for 3 months only.  The official rule is 90 days out of every 180 days.  If you have the money you could stay for 90 days, then go to the UK for 90 days, and then back to France.  

    Then there's the problem of getting employment, which is just about nil if you're non-EU and don't speak the language.

  2. I did it in about 2 weeks -  About a week to get a tourist visa and another week to sell all my stuff.  Rented an apt online ( and got on a plane with two suitcases full of stuff I wanted to take (you will  have to pay extra).  Rent was  700 EU (my place was pretty nice), the plane ticket was 800 round trip open ended and there was no charge for the visa application from what I remember.  Living in Paris is expensive, but after a month you figure out how to live a little cheaper.  Get a cheap cell phone with pay for minutes (mobile orange) and you can buy minutes from any tabac.  Learn basic phrases, expect people to be rude from time to time if you live in paris, don't act like a typical tourist and it won 't matter so much. Try to learn over time, it makes things like getting sick and finding your way around a little easier.  Don't expect to find a's pretty difficult.

  3. I don't know what the costs involved would be but how do you plan on supporting yourself once there? You can't just show up in another country and expect to be able to find a job or even be allowed to work. You need a work visa if you're planning on working in France and I don't know how hard it is to get one.

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