
How much would it be to rent a helicopter for one day? I want one for my prom niqht.?

by  |  earlier

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I cnt find a price one the internet anywhere




  1. do you want them to take you to the prom

    It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to do that

  2. I hope you mean with the pilot, helicopters aren't exactly teen-with-no-experience friendly.

    Just rent a fancy sports car, you'll turn more heads and get laughed at alot less.

  3. $50,000.

  4. for a hour of sight seeing usually runs 150.00-200.00 depending on what city and state you are in.

    put in google.... your city and helicopter ride and something should come up

  5. Why would you want a helicopter??? That's a bit extreme.

  6. First, you must remember that a helicopter will NOT be able to land on the lawn in front of wherever prom is - unless it's at an airport, or other FAA approved LZ.  (Unless perhaps the pilot can be Absloutely Positive that it is a safe landing zone.)

    Next see web sites:  (I don't know where you are.)

    also Google for "helicopter charters"


  7. well, you can rent what you need for about 600 bucks an hour depending on location, minus fuel and of course a pilot

  8. Nice.

  9. Get ready to pay...

    A turbine executive Heli. costs about 3 to 5,000 dollars an hour, with a minium of 1 hr to charter. To have the aircraft wait, then plan on spending another 250-500 dollars an hour to have it on standby.

    Another issue is landing, as a parking lot may seem good, but rarely is unless they can get the ok to put a heli down in it without undue harm to persons and property. Im sure the school would not let you land on the foot ball field either.

    if your really serious, your would be in the are of 4500.-9000.00 USD depending on how long you want it to wait.  

    Small helicopters can be had for much less typcially around 1000.00, but it still seems a little much to make an impression on people you wont see again in a year.. except at the local bar when you come home from college in 5 yrs..

  10. Hey, Brain Surgeon, Think about what your date's hair will look like after the flight

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