
How much would it cost a month, roughly, to keep a hamster?

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Please include price of cage etc if u can




  1. This is my personal experince.

    Cage: $20-$35, wire cages. Plastic are harder to clean and fish aquariams cost more.

    Water bottle: $7

    Food bowl: $4

    Cedar: $17 dollars for the largest bag

    Bed fluff: $9

    Treats: Many kinds, total of $20

    Wheel: $10

    Ball: $10

    Petco's have Starter Cages, too. $25 for a wire cage, a wheel, AND a food bowl.

  2. Well, a cage would cost roughly about £20-35.

    The food dish and water bottle and house and toys will cost you around about £5 at the min. but you can spoil your hamster and spend abit more =P

    Monthly...well, really it depends. They only have about a handful of hamster mix every night and if you buy a couple of big bags for about £7 or so, it should last a month...or maybe even months. The sawdust, again, will last a veeery long time if you buy a big bag. It should last more than just a month.

    So, overall, basically, for every month, it would cost about...£3 to £5? But if you spend about £10 stocking up on sawdust and food all in one go, then the next few months will practically cost nothing at all. Of course, you want to buy them new toys and such every now and again of course!

    Good luck with your new hamster!

    x*x David Tennant Lover x*x

  3. No more than $50

  4. when i got my hamster, the cage cost around £40 (but you can get cheeper ones) and a month it costs me about £8 thats including the food, bedding and sawdust so when you think about it, it is pretty good! hamsters are called pocket money pets because they are cheap to look after! :D the actual hamster only cost me £6.50 too!

  5. 30 with food and stuffing

  6. With the price of the cage, I would say about $60.00 but without the cage maybe $8-10.00

  7. I got my teddybear hamster for $8.00. the cage is about $20. The bedding is about $7 if you buy small bags! and the food is about $9. Toy and treats are cheap! hopes this helps!

  8. my hamster:

    hamster cost:£6.50

    cage cost:£14.99

    spent 5quid on buying treats and toys

    food bedding and sawdust cost 8 quid.

    remember u dont have to buy a hamster and a cage every month so just add up the bedding, sawdust and food.(sawdust and food last longer than a month anyway)

    so cost should be 8quid a month

  9. Hi,

    You can buy a starter cage from Wilkinson's for £10.99. It has every thing you need for a baby hamster, wheel, pots for food and water bottle, bedding and shavings.

    A hamster will eat approx 15g of food per day, so a 1kg bag will last you ages. Shavings are very cheap, but remember the bigger the bag the cheaper it becomes, You can get away with using kitchen roll as bedding material.

    At the most, your looking at about a fiver a month to keep a hamster.

  10. Cage prices vary from £15 to £30+ for a larger cage.  The food and bedding is very cheap and wont cost you more than £8 per month, as the bedding and food is minimal.  However this doesn't mean that hamsters are cheap, as there is always the possibilty that urgent veterinary care maybe needed and it is always best to take this into account, especially as they get older.

    A larger cage is needed as their instinct is to roam, and you will need to buy a hamster ball as they will want to explore safely - this can cost up to £4.  You will find that your little hamster will look too tiny in a small starter cage after a short period of time.

    My hamster had an operation to remove a tumour in March which cost around £70, and he is now well despite his years!  I don't want to put you off, as they are great pets, but please consider the extra costs incurred, if they need treatment, and be prepared to pay out.  I am happy to do it, even though it may leave me short.

    Many people have these little guys as they are informed that the costs are small, and then some are neglected because of this when things go wrong.

    I wouldn't change anything, and am prepared to give another one a home in the future.  They are great pets.

  11. go to pet smart or pet co .com to get some pricing on stuff it will vary by store, or even if you go to a different store it will be about the same. Good luck they make great pets!!!!

  12. Eh, I would say at least $15 a month on food and bedding.

    You can save a lot of money if you make a bin cage. Google making bin cages and you'll find some sites. It's really cheap. It cost me only $15 to make and my hamster loved it.

  13. well my hamsters cage was £35 and i got the hamster free. i probably only spend £20 a month on him, his bedding is only 49p and his sawdust is about £1.99 and that lasts 5 weeks since i get a big bag

  14. Cage with wheel food bowl, water bottle etc about £20-£25.

    Sawdust about £1-1.50 per month, unless you know where to get it free.  Food less than £1 per month on average.  Use shredded kitchen roll for bedding.  So once you've got your cage, not very much.  They like fresh food, too.  You can pinch this from the kitchen!

    We've got two and this is all it costs us.  Except we had to get two cages!

  15. About £30 for a good cage, £2 every 2 weeks for food. Bottle, food dish and bedding together are about £5. If it ever needed drops for mites or something, it would be £12 a time. They are too small for injections. ;)

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