
How much would it cost for gas to drive from toronto to P.E.I and back?

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  1. By the time you get to Quebec, the price of unleaded gas has reached over $1.35 and it probably continues to rise as you go east.  It will be expensive, but cheaper than bus or train if it is you and someone else.

  2. It would depend on a lot of things ... like what kind of car are you driving? What does it get for gas mileage? And it would depend when you are going and what the price of gas is at the time.

    But I can tell you that last summer I drove out there with my boyfriend and it cost us a few hundred dollars to fill up the tank a few times each way.  We left from Toronto and took the 401, then the Trans-Canada highway most of the way.  We drove straight through the first day to Quebec City, stayed overnight, then drove straight through to Halifax, NS.  We stayed a couple weeks, then on the way home, we took the ferry across to PEI, and drove across the Island to the Confederation Bridge and drove back to Toronto from there, stopping to sleep in Quebec once again.  It was a really nice trip, and I think we may go again this summer, but it will be more expensive this year since gas was at about $1.15/L last year and is expected to go up to $1.50 this summer.  It is almost cheaper to fly if you are going alone, but if you are driving with someone else, it is cheaper than buying two plane tickets.

  3. It depends on the vehicle you are driving.  If you are driving a big vehicle that burns a lot of gas it will obviously cost much more than if you are driving a small car.  The total distance is more than 3200 km.  Figure out the kilometers per litre for your vehicle for highway driving and go from there.  Also calculate any sight seeing you might want to do.

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