
How much would it cost for me to travel to thrid world eg Ethiopia for a week to help out?

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Im looking to start saving for a life changing trip in 2010.

I would love to find out how mucha journey like this owuld cost me roughly.

This will need to include flights and accomadation.

If anyones been there to do anything similar please could you let me know;))))

Best wishes and many thanks




  1. cheaopet flight would cost you about £300

    Your flight details are as follows: Our agency details are as follows:

    Departing From: LONDON

    Via: GATEWAY

    Destination Airport: ADDIS ABABA

    Airline: LUFTHANSA

    Valid From / To: 01/01/2008 / 31/12/2008

    Min / Max Stay: 7D-3M

    Fare Type: Return Flight

    Class: Y/V

    Price: £330.00

    (Approx) Airport Tax: £ 250.00

    Fare Updated: 23Jan08

    Travel Agent:

    Address: Alperton House

    BridgeWater Road

    Alperton, Wembley

    Post Code: HA0 1EH

    Telephone: 0870 027 5970

    Fax: 0871 855 4457

    and accomodation wil vary from free to about £1000 for the week.

    if you go onto oxfams website they can sponsor you to go there to help out. but you have to help them with their projects

    hope this helps


    Web Site Address:  

    Opening Hours:  

    Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 23:00  

    Sat: 09:00 - 18:00  

    Sun: 10:00 - 19:00

  2. I dont really think you are going to be able to do much in a'd be better off going for about a month.  

    The most expensive thing is transport - the flights there would probably cost approx £500-600 return (depending on where you decide to go, and where you are flying from).

    When you are there, costs should be minimal...if you are with a group presumably they'll have transport, if not public transport where available is cheap but uncomfortable.  If you needed to rent a car that would cost alot of money.

    Accommodation and food are also cheap unless you are very fussy!  Generally you can get by on between £10 and £40 a  day, depending where you are.  If you want slightly better accommodation then you could pay up to about £60 for a room (although if you are in remote areas, chances of finding accommodation this expensive are not too good!).

    Another thing to think about is your trip to the travel'll need vaccinations and antimalarials, and they are expensive (I recently spent over £200 for a months trip, and I already had most of my vaccinations, so it was mostly just antimalarials).

    If you really want to help out, you'd be better off going with some sort of 'gap year' project, or eye to eye, or something like that - that way you know that what you are doing is really going to be of benefit.  If you just turn up on your own, then you will be very limited in what you can achieve.

  3. Hi there. I recently got back from living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for two years. I'm now back home in Chicago with my husband. I had to fly back and forth several times while I was there to see my then-fiancee who lived in the States. The absolute best airline is Emirates. I've traveled on many different airlines to get there. The most effective way is to fly to NYC and go from there on Egypt Air to Cairo, Egypt. Then it is a 4 hour flight from Cairo to Addis. I flew this about 4 times and it was about $1,600 round trip. I've also flown on Lufthansa from the States to Germany and then to Addis. This flight was a little more expensive- around $2,000. If you can leave from NY, it is usually cheaper. Now, on to my favorite airline. Emirates will get you from JFK airport to Dubai to Addis for $2,010, and they are worth every penny.

    Because I worked in Ethiopia, my accommodation's were paid for by my company. However, I traveled around Ethiopia a lot and did stay in a few hotels. You can stay in a very cheap place (with a lot of bugs) for about $7-10 a night. I did that for a week in the Afar region. However, there is the Hilton and the Sheraton in Addis that will cost you about $200 a night. If you are going for the experience, stay in the cheap places. I bought the Lonely Plant book for Ethiopia. They list several hotels in there for each city along with prices. Average would be about $30 a night. There is also a great list of places to eat. Please be careful with what you eat. I got giardia, roundworm, cysts in my stomach lining, amoebic dyssentary and several other horrible sicknesses while I was there. But I soon found out the right things to eat and eventually got used to it all. There are grocery stores with boxed and canned foods, but it is a lot more expensive. I brought granola bars with me from the States each time I went back. Overall, it was the absolute best experience that I have ever had in my entire life. It changed me on a very real level. You will never be the same. If you need any other information, just let me know. I have a ton more I could say. Good luck! :)

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