
How much would it cost my wife and i to relocate to France?

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She is graduating nursing school next year and we're talking about moving. Any advice would be appreciated. What else should we consider?




  1. Do you speak any French?  If she is planning to go into health care in France, she may have to take more courses over there.  Taxes in France are also very high.  France is a beautiful country with good food....that's about it!  C'est la vie!

  2. taxes there are in the mid 40% to start. Are you SURE you want to move there?

  3. idk my friend just moved here so like 200,000 if you dont want a car

  4. You might also consider Ireland due to the taxes.  

    Check cost-of-living, TAXES, and employment prospects before moving.

  5. check, France.

    You might find useful infos.

    I am relocating in France next months from Australia, but I am french so it helps....

  6. check into the laws and living habits first, it is a huge commitment

  7. I dont know how but I wish you good luck!

  8. Well, in genral, life is a bit more expensive (and with the decrease of the dollar, it is going to be expensive in general) (but unexpensive from the UK).

    Housing is very expensive in Paris (NYC is far worst but most not to say all other US cities are less expensive than Paris), can be affordable in other parts of France. But the living standards are not the same, everything is smaller there, no A/C, no utilities included in your rent. Which means buying a washing machine...

    If you ship your stuff, it is going to cost a bunch of money, only corporate sponsored persons do use that. And forget any thing that has a plug, as the electricity is 220V. Buy it there.

    Taxes can be high (surprise, they are paid at the end of the year) in addition to social charges (paid immediately). What is less expensive in France is: books, heathcare and... at the moment, I would say that's all.

    But give a try, relocating is a great experience. And France is a wonderfull country, even if it might be a bit hard to make friends (not as welcoming at 1st as the americans are, at least in the north and Paris)


  10. Ok... If you're serious about moving and you live in the U.S.  Just find a neocon here and tell them where you're moving.  Make something up about being liberal in America.  They'll be happy to pay your way.

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