
How much would it cost (on average) to have a professional trace your genealogy?

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I have some information going back to the 1600s but isn't very complete and I pretty much want to know as much as possible on both sides on the family. All the relatives I know of originated from Europe (mainly England)




  1. I think it would be hard to estimate a cost since everybody's circumstances are different.

    If you had ancestors with a reasonably uncommon name that lived in a little village for 300 years assuming that records survived it would be pretty easy and quick.

    If you had ancestors with a common name that lived in a big city or moved around a lot you can be researching until the cows come home and still not find them.

  2. I do not believe your question can be answered the way it is asked.  It would be like asking how much would it cost to travel and not giving any more information. Where would you be traveling, how long, cost of lodging, cost of food, transportation, etc.

    Are you talking about tracing both your maternal and paternal families?  Also, what do you know already and what are you trying to find out? etc., etc.

    If one branch of your family is from Ukraine and another came from Ireland, it might require more than one professional genealogist to assist with your research.

    If the research you are requesting is in the U.S. only than that might be less expensive, but each state has its own laws about vital records and how to acquire the details. Also, church records may exist, but how to acquire them may vary.

    In my case for the Polish branch of my family 4 folks I 'met' online w/ roots in the same village got together and hired a researcher.  She was compensated for driving to the various archives(1/2 way across Poland in one case), food, lodging and a research rate.  This was the only way to find the detailed information and was cheaper than going there ourselves.  In Poland not many folks in the local archives speak English, so, we would not have been very successful if we just showed up to do this on our own.

    Be aware that it is not a 'one size fits all' when hiring a professional genealogist.  If you are researching your family'sJewish roots in Hungary and hire a Hungarian genealogist he/she may only be familiar w/ how to acquire Christian records.  Here is a site that might be of assistance ...

    From a personal point of view, I think trying to do as much as you can on your own is the way to go.  I am able to spot my surnames of interest much more than when I am trying to help someone else.  Also, you might be able to eliminate someone immediately just based on your knowledge.  Of course, it is the thrill of the hunt and feeling that you have done something to bring your family tree to life yourself.

    You might want to amend your question to add some specifics.

    Good luck on your search. :)

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