
How much would it cost......?

by Guest66322  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike paint a 14 X 13 room with window frames & ceiling. This includes plastering the cracks & putting primer on the ceiling. ALL paint & spackle would be supplied.

So if a guy came in and did this work, what would be a good price for him? Thanks to all you knowledgable people.




  1. Say, walls: prepare + 2 under coat & 1 emulsion, windows: rub down + 2 under & 1 gloss coat.

    Painter @ say $35.00/h


    Prep 2hrs

    Each coat 1.5hr

    Total: 5.5hr = $192.50


    Prep & rub down 4hrs

    Each Coat 0.5hr

    Total: 5.5hr = $192.50

    Materials & consumables, say, $100.00

    Call out charge, say, $75.00

    EO non-continuous works, say, $50

    Total $610.00

    That should be a safe estimate for a thorough job, good operatives & taking 1.5-2 days

  2. Well, I would anticipate it costing $200-$300, if not a bit over.

    You could probably find a cheaper painter, however you will be able to see a bad paint job when he leaves.

    The job will take at a minimum 5 hours.   And these guys are professionals.  And they will also be using their own tools.

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