
How much would it cost to break in a horse?

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hey im thinking of buying a young horse aged 3 or 4. So in the UK how much would it cost for someone to train / break it in?





  1. It prob. depends on the trainer but I wouldn't say anything over  $ 2,000 but I'm not sure.

  2. if you don't know anything about horses, don't get yourself a young horse. go with something older. horses are not like dogs, they think different and are trained different too. plus, once the horse is trained doesn't mean it is safe. it could still spook, buck, rear, or develop some other bad habits. make sure you have the money, time, and knowledge before you buy a horse. remeber, horses are not like dogs at all.

    but the cost all depends on how far you want to go in training. just to saddle break the horse would be about $500. to get it trained in a certain disipline would be about $1000. good luck!

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