
How much would it cost to build a railroad from miami to tampa?

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How much would it cost to build a railroad from miami to tampa?




  1. I agree with the million dollar a mile (it may be low and doesn't include bridges and the like).

  2. a lot. you gonna build one

  3. That's peanuts.

    The Union Pacific and Amtrak are in negotiations with an exploratory committee on fiscal feasibility to build a pontoon bridge from the Florida Keys to Antarctica.  Proponents say it'll be every bit as profitable as all other Amtrak service, and the UP has tons of money to throw at the project.

    Then there is also the proposed "Tasman Branch", which will provide service to New Zealand and Australia.  When asked about cost, UP commentary included, "Well, it's cheaper than our thoughts on providing service to the sun."

    It's also been rumored that Divine Intervention will play a part as well.........

  4. That's good stuff Hog.  And to answer the question, it costs about a million dollars a mile (I heard someone say), to install new track, ballast, signals, switches, and so on.  That doesn't include buying the right of way, if the RR doesn't already own it.

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