
How much would it cost to build an extension onto my house?

by  |  earlier

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The size of the area of land is approximately 16 foot by 10 foot and it is just a one story building. We are only in early stages of deciding to have it done - haven't got planning permission or anything yet so was just after a rough estimate really. We are also looking to convert a garage into a bedroom. This room measures around 14 foot by 7 foot so if anyone has any ideas as to what this would cost also that would be great. Obviousy I understand that any estimates would be rough as you would need to see the house but any help at all would be appreciated! Thanks x




  1. The garage conversion should be quite cheap, maybe £5000. However, the main costs of any extension are in the foundations and ground floor. Additional storeys cost a lot less. My guess (and it is a guess) is that you need to allow at least £15,000 for your extension.



  4. It's difficult to say, but we had a single room extension and it cost eight thousand pounds. I would imagine the garage would cost you around four but this is really rough. I might be way off.

  5. Shouldn't be more than £30k?

  6. i would say approx £25000. i do know for a double extension it is£45000,and if its a 3bed roomed house you also have to have your front garden done extra room for 3 cars for off road neighbour had plans to do this and the planning people said she would have to have her drive done for 3 cars even though she only has one car, then the pavement has to be lowered to drive cars on and off if you have a light post out side your house that has to be moved and it is only done by the council,

    she just couldn't afford it so they have had a big conservatory put on the back of her house it is the whole length of the bach. that cost £11000 plus there are lots of extras cos she has had her kitchen knocked through so she has had to have a new kitchen.but it is very pricey, just check if you get some one to look at doing work for you ask about the drive and lamposts as she had 3 estermates and no one told her about this until she put her plans in.

    ps that is here in wales not sure for planning  permission for other parts of the country.

    good luck.

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