
How much would it cost to build the panama canal TODAY?!?!?

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How much would it cost to build the panama canal TODAY?!?!?




  1. skeptron is right i agree 100%

  2. I just finished David McCullough's outstanding "The Path Between the Seas" story of the French and American efforts....

    so: count the

    25 million the US paid  for the French concession

    2 million to the Republic of Panama we created

    and the 189 million spent on the digging ( the budget was 200 million, so they brought  it in 10% UNDER, a phenominal achievement.....

    then go find a site with the COLA / CPI formula for what                ( rounded) 220,000,000 in 1914 US $ is worth today..

    .times ten? maybe but 2.2 billion doesn't seem like ANYWHERE enough

    also remember there were NO enviromentel impact questions back then ( h**l, we built a huge 35 mile long lake in the middle of Panama to make the design work ); and  no OSHA

    ( while people were careful, still about 4,000 died of accidents and disease)....I would think those two constraints would add at least 50 million 2007US$ right there......

    Panama has sold the operating contract to the Canal to the Chinese and they are planning expansion of the locks; there is also ( for about the 10th time in history) a plan afoot to build a canal at can probably find both stories thu "search" above.try "Nicaragua canal" and "expansion of Panama Canal"

    and did you know " A man, a plan, a canal, panama " is a palindrome?

  3. about ten times the cost when it was built decades ago

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