
How much would it cost to buy a horse and borde/feed it for a year?

by  |  earlier

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just currious... im not going to get one now, but just looking ahead in the future




  1. Depends. You can spend $300,000 or $300 on the horse depending on whether you want an FEI dressage horse or a pet.

    You can spend $1200 a month on board or you can spend $350, it depends on your discipline, what kind of amenities you want and your location in the country. A place with an indoor ring will cost more than one without, etc.

    Some boarding facilities include feeding in the cost of board, others do not. Some require you to do and provide everything, some places do everything including grooming.

  2. my horse costs almost 10 grand a year, 600 a month for board (the killer) vet (which including the vet's visit last month and his teeth getting done 2 times this year) is 500, then i included his suplements (which are 50 a month smartpacks and he is on GUT this month)

    its expensive!  but don't fret because you can put him into a field and barns can range anywhere from 200to 1000( the barn in my area that is 1000 a month requires that the horse is in full training)

    my horse origionally cost 20,000 but he has something wrong with him and we bargained him down to 8,750! and now he's sound and healthy and his value has increased dramatically so there are many many options to buying/owning a horse! but when you are buying make sure you get a prepurchase exam and if their is something minor wrong with him (that you can fix) get that price down!!!!

    good luck! owning a horse is amazing!

  3. it depends on where you go, what  you want, your horse's needs, & its temperament. Farrier, vet bills (lot more expensive than the dog/cat vet!), supplements, buying a trailer, a truck to pull it, in other words it won't be cheap!!!

  4. counting vet,suplies, feed, fairrer, medicins and other stuff it comes up to around 2,000-3,000 dollars a year

  5. we sell our horses anywhere from $1000 - $3000 (tennessee walkers, palaminos and american saddlebreds) and board for $200/month. all horses must be broken (we will break them but it's $$$$$). with that $200/month, the owner MUST come to the farm at least once a month and ride the horse, general maintenence of the horse and one stall cleaning (keeps the owner responsible and involved).  the owner is responsible for any vet and farrier bills.

    as you can see from the other responses, just depends on what you want and where you live!

  6. Where are you located? What do you want out of your stable. Barn stall? Pasture? etc. Arena? Covered arena? Turn out options? Some stables charge $500 a month and some $50(pasture) And what kind of horse you can get one free to thousands. IT depends on what you are going to do with it.

  7. My board is $12,000 a year (I ride at a stable that specializes in showjumping). Add feed, vet, farrier, etc. that would be about $16,000 a year not including startup costs for membership, the horse, tack, grooming kit...

  8. Lets just say... A Looot!! lol

    The economy is in bad shape, price of hay is going up... Well the price of everything is going up. lmao So it's only going to get MORE expensive.

  9. Boarding out can run anywhere from $100.00/mo to $1,000.00/mo depending upon the facility. IF you live in a populated city like San Francisco or Los Angeles, boarding close to home will more than likely run on the higher end. This provides stalls, cleaning, bedding and hay twice a day.

    The lower end, is probably out in the rual areas and can be with hay or without (You'd have to go out twice a day and feed your horse (s).

    I suggest that you call around to the boarding stables in your area and get rates and facilities (Does it have an arena, round pen, hot walker, wash rack, etc.).

    The costs of shavings vary from place to place. In LA right now, a 5 cubic yard bag of shavings runs $4.00 from the shavings company and can run as high as $7.00 in a tack store. You also need sand, decomposed granite and sweet lime to keep your stalls bedded correctly. The sand and dg you'll have to call and get pricing on.

    Then there's the additional costs:

    Hay in CA right now is running $17.95/bale for 3 strand alfafa which weighs 100LBs plus. Oat hay, runs a couple of bucks cheaper. Your horse will need between 5 and 7.5 bales a month, depending upon how easy a keeper your new horse is.

    Shoeing (Which can run anywhere from $50.00 for just shoes in the front and barefoot in the back on up.) Done about every 6 to 8 weeks.

    Trims: About $35.00 Once again done every 6 to 8 weeks.

    Grain: Depending upon how easy a keeper your horse is, a bag of grain will run you about $15.00 and bran about the same, once a month.

    Vet: Now normally without any accidents, once, twice a year for shots which run $40.00 per shot and the 'call charge' which can range depending upon your area from $40.00 all the way up to $250.00!

    Misc. Tack: This is the one that not only can get expensive, BUT addicting! You see something that your horse just MUST have! DO NOT go to ebay! This can be VERY costly and addicting, trust me on this I have a friend who's still paying off credit cards from ebay horsey things she bought.

    Having someone trailer or haul your horse with the cost of gas would probably be $2.00/mile nowadays...

    Okay, now you have your catagories, work up a spreadsheet for your area and then see if you can afford to own a horse.

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