
How much would it cost to convert a car to use E85?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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Gas stations near my house are just beginning to carry it so I was just wondering how much it would cost to be able to start using it.

Also I know it's supposed to be better for the enviornment, but I've heard people say that it's not. So is it?





  1. It's not worth it to spend the money to convert right now.

    "You can burn all the ethanol you want and you are not contributing one iota to global warming."

    Simply wrong.  Because of the amount of fossil fuel energy needed to grow corn and convert it to ethanol, ethanol now is only a small win for the environment and global warming.

    That will change as we start to make ethanol from things other than corn, and do it more efficiently.

    Do it when you buy your next car.

  2. It costs about $500 to convert. Go to Yes it is better for the environment and here's why:

    Cars running on ethanol, which is distilled from agricultural crops and biomass are governed by the same laws of physics as those using petrol in that both fuels emit CO2 as a consequence of combustion, however the crucial difference is that burning ethanol recycles CO2 because it has already been removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis during the natural growth of agricultural crops, such as corn plants. A corn plant removes CO2 from the atmosphere and uses it to grow and produce cornstarch. The plant is harvested and the cornstarch is fermented into ethanol. The ethanol is burned and the cycle repeats. NO NEW NET CARBON is added to the atmosphere when you use ethanol, unlike gasoline which spews tons of carbon into the atmosphere which has been trapped beneath the earth's surface for millions of years in the form of crude oil.  You can burn all the ethanol you want and you are not contributing one iota to global warming.  You are simply recycling carbon.  And creating demand for ethanol by using it in your car stimulates farmers to plant more corn to meet the demand.  More corn means more CO2 is removed from the atmosphere because corn, like all plants, takes in CO2 and gives off oxygen via photosynthesis.  So not only are you not adding any new carbon to the air when you use ethanol, you are stimulating the planting of more corn plants which naturally fight global warming via photosynthesis.

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