
How much would it cost to fence 8 acres of flat land, with an electric wire fence, for horses?

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Were from Maine, and we are looking to divide the property into maybe 4 2 acre paddocks.




  1. a plain wire fince is the cheap way to go, it usually costs around 3 dollars per linear fence foot (3-strings) but that's on cheap t-posts, you can get nicer posts for more money

    you have to figure out how many feet you have because depending on the how the land is shaped 8 acres can be a lot of different shapes and require a lot of different amounts of fence

    if you can afford it, when two pastures border one another run dual fences about 10 feet apart, that way they can't fight over the fence. in the long run it may be cheaper because there will be lots of repairs if they can reach each othe over a fence

  2. if you're good with tools, you can cut some trees for posts, making a point at the end that you'll put into the ground.  if you do this, be sure to dip the end that goes into the ground into used motor oil.  it helps to protect the wood, and make it last longer.

    we did this, and cut the "log posts" to be 10' tall, and set the posts down 5'.  made for a good strudy fence.

    our local feed store will sell 14 gauge wire in a 1/4 mile roll for less than $15.  insulators are $4 for a bag of 25.  a fencer is $100 for a 25 mile fence.

    i used this combo to fence in 2 acres with 3 lines of fence.  it worked very well.  of course, we had to contend with wild cats, etc.  this helped to deter the wildlife (except deer) from entering the pasture.  the fencer created a good bite..even thru the weeds, when they'd grow up into the fence.

    always get a fencer that goes well beyond your needs.  it'll help keep everything going well.  another tip...try to keep your wire in one piece (no splicing).  it makes for a lower "bite" with the fence.

  3. Post here in NEPA are about 5 bucks each and depending on what you are putting in (ex.  we have 2 old geldings) they are 8-10 feet apart.

    These are 5 ft metal post.   The clips were like 8.00 for a bag of 25

    and we used 2 on each.  The top caps were pretty cheap

    then the wire fence was like 80.00 for I believe 70 feet.  We went with the 1 1/2 inch wire.

    Then you have to buy the box.  our 3 mile electric box was about 119.00.  

    These are just estimates.  

    If you are going to put say a mustang in there, you are going to need alot more.

    check out and go to the fencing section.  Everything you need is there.   They also have a guide that tells you how much you need.

    good luck  

  4. Do you want a price for posts too, or just the electric tape?  It cost us about $1000 to do 2.5 acres with that Horse Guard fencing (LOVE it).  But that doesn't include posts.  Wood posts will cost a LOT.  I think it cost us $1000 just to put in 80 new posts but we hired someone to do it.  If you can rent and auger and do it yourself it will be much cheaer.  Or you can use T-posts.

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