
How much would it cost to get a replacement key for my ford mustang. I think my key has a chip.

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Also, how about replacing the remote for the alarm, it broke off my key ring so now i only have the key.




  1. $140.00 to $220.00

  2. It depends on the year of the Mustang.  I have a 2000 Ford Ranger with the PATS 2 system.  I called the Ford dealership and they quoted me two prices.  One price for the key, which was $40.  The other price quote was for programming the key using their equipment, which was $60.  If you already own two keys which are programmed to your vehicle, you could easily program the key yourself.  You should be able to find cheap PATS 2 keys on ebay for under $20.  Good luck.

  3. Where I am, if you can start the car and drive it to us (Under $100) as the key is $40 and labor is $50 (half hour) (this is for 1998 and later with one key that starts it.. 1996 and 1997 can be done for free with one key that already starts the car)

    Many locksmiths don't have the computer to access the PATS system and as you have seen, prices vary depending upon location in North America among other things

    the remote is roughly $50 and programming instructions are in the owners manual or online

  4.    Depends on the year most fords 97 up are transponders.

    except the zx2, f-250 and larger and  some vans. Locksmith could probably do it for around 70.00 thats including the key. Might check for the remote. Lot of locksmiths deal with those as well.  Probably be around the same price for the remote and having it programmed.  

  5. From Ford 140 to 200 dollars..Some locksmiths now have them for a lot cheaper.You might find a blank on the net which would save you some money

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