
How much would it cost to homeschool A 9th grader.?

by Guest64937  |  earlier

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My parents are thinking about homeschooling me. We've never home schooled anyone nor has any of our family. I'm going into the 9th grade next year and they want to start then since my 8th grade year is pretty much over with 45 days left. How much would it cost? Do you need a person to come in and work with you and if so what are the requirements. I live in WV and do my parents have to have a certain amount of schooling to home school me. neither graduated high school, but a neighbor has a masters not sure in what and has said that she could help. We also have internet anyway so thats not really going to be factored into the cost.Also, If you are home schooled to you still qualify for many scholarships like the promise in WV?




  1. You can get boxed programs by grade level, or take a placement test to find out where you are using a certain curriculum...

    I have a friend who LIVES by AOP Switched-on schoolhouse...

    none of my children are old enough for it yet (starts in 3rd grade) but she has two who are using it... they used to use PACE's but switched....  

    Homeschooling CAN be free if you use hte internet and your library card.... the most important thing is to READ READ READ READ READ..... you can also use the SAT and ACT study guides (or PRE SAT ACT GUIDES that teach you HOW to do the math) to base your education on since part of the reason for High School is to prepare  you for college courses and life in an occupation....

    I personally think that if you are hte type that needs assignments and a schedule a boxed curriculum would be best... if you are SUPER independent and will get done what is NEEDED without being asked even once your library card adn the internet should suffice... is the only advice i can give on state requirements, but yes, a person who meets the minimum requirements in most states can tutor (even if they are not your parents) you, so perhaps your neighbor is a good choice IF they aren't charging an arm and a leg....

    I personally don't believe this talk about the parents needing to have a High school diploma or GED or BA/BS to teach their kids at home and do a good job.... just crazy.......

    what i DO know is that YOU CAN DO THIS... even if you just kinda look around for the first year and borrow things from friends or try before you buy for a while....

    the MOST important thing to remmeber is that Home Schooling is NOT LIKE SCHOOL AT HOME... what you learn and how you learn at home will NOT be anything similar to Public School unless you INTEND for it to be that way and PLAN for it to be that way (which i do NOT recommend)

    You can DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT.... have fun!

  2. if you are in a charter school, nothing. charter schools get money from the state and each family has a budget per semester.

  3. Here are the laws for WV that will tell you what is required:

    This site has more detailed info that may help:

    When homeschooling, your parents teach you at home.  At the high school level, much of the work can be done by you independently.  You do not have to have an outside teacher to come teach.

    The cost depends on what program you want to use.  You can homeschool very inexpensively using the library or used materials.  Here are some tips for affordable homeschooling:

    Here's a list of computer based courses you can look into if you want to homeschool online:

    You can still qualify for scholarships as a homeschooler, but you will have to check the requirements of the specific scholarships you are interested in to know for sure.

    Good luck!

  4. take a look at and their HS section.

  5. It can cost as much or as little as your parents feel like spending. Some people buy everything that looks good, some buy nothing and read everything in their local library. Most of us buy some curriculums, after reading all the reviews we can find, then read almost everything in the local library :)

    You and your parents need to do more research. Once you have checked your state's laws (I see someone has provided that info) you are free to choose whatever style suits you and your parents ideas of what education ought to be. You may, after all your research, decide to start off with a boxed curriculum such as a beka. You may decide to go to the other extreme and unschool. Or you might use textbooks for some subjects and not for others. It all depends what your education goals are. Your parents don't need to have graduated from high school. If they are able to help you find the answers you are looking for and locate resources you need, it'll be fine. At your age, most of what you'll need from them is sympathy when you're getting frustrated, praise when you're doing well, a different perspective on issues and cash when you need a new book. If they couldn't handle that, they wouldn't have made it this far!

  6. try a dvd course.  You don't have to really worry about how much schooling your parents have and you can do it at your own time, not when your parents are there to teach you.  I take abeka and my best friend and her brother do Bob Jones.  She has an older brother who graduated off of bob jones.

    they can run anywhere from $500-over a $1000.  but you go on payment plans.

    I love homeschooling though!  I'd recomend it to anyone.

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