
How much would it cost to rent an average apartment in Barcelona, Spain? How much does food cost in Spain?

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How much would it cost to rent an average apartment in Barcelona, Spain? How much does food cost in Spain?




  1. we just booked a one-bedroom in barcelona for 50 euro / night in september '08. much cheaper than a hotel, if you ask me.

  2. For the apartment, go to  Food, I honeslty can't remember what we paid.  It wasn't as cheap as it was thirty years ago (but then, what is?) and with the sagging dollar, converting things to Dollars made it even worse.  

    At restaurants, we paid about 1€ for coffee, on the Ramblas, 5€ for a beer or a soda, but food wasn't too bad, around 2 - 3€ per tapa, more for full dishes, of course.  about 7 - 10€ for a menú del día at lunchtime.

    One problem is, you can't drink the tap water.  It's "fatal" as they said there, terrible.  tastes like sufluric sea water.  

    Are you planning to stay for a week?  or live there?  that will make a difference, but you will look at the correct section on that webpage.  

    Another link would be

  3. Rent: from €600+€600deposit+estate agent comission

    Food: from€30/week

  4. ...mas o menos...

    200 - 400 Euros for an Apartment (per month)

    50 +  Euros for food (per week), depending how you want to eat.

      Oh, and the tap water in Barcelona IS DRINKABLE. That's why they have public water fountains everywhere.  It may not be the most delicious water you will ever taste, but it beats having to buy dozens of plastic water bottles.

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