
How much would it cost to set up solar panels to provide energy for your whole house?

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I just wanted to know how expensive solar panels were and how much to install, also I know just sunlight itself isn't "energy" its just light, you have to convert it, don't you? How expensive is that? So basically how much would it cost for everything?

(please tell me if i forgot anything)




  1. Normally, you can purchase and have installed for your home a solar energy system for in the 20 to 30 thousand dollar area.  These costa are also offset in a lot of states that will subsidize this cost to varying extents depending on your state.  The federal also provides income tax incentives.

    For a home of about 1500 to 2000 square feet, you would be looking at about 300 to 400 square feet of panels.  You would be generating only in the daylight hours, sunny or cloudy days.summer and winter.  The panels should be directed close to perpendicular to the sun's rays at noon.  The optimum would be to follow the sun through its arc (not reasonable at this time).  The energy is changed with an inverter to A/C power and connected to the main electric grid, sold back to the power company when you are producing excess, you would draw back from the grid when you are needing more than you are producing.

    Do a search for solar panels through "google", you will find more information than you can read.

    Do not listen to the "Nay sayers", this can be done.

  2. it is very expensive

    my hubby and I checked into it for a friends house we were remodeling and it was crazy expensive

    they of course decided not to do it because of the price

    They just have not came up with a cheap way to sell and install the panels yet. Sure, you can sell the electric back to the power company but at the high price that they cost it takes years just to make your money back................................

  3. good luck with energy in the winter

  4. I made my own solar panels for under $300.  You can learn how to do it yourself with instruction manuals as well.  


    Teaches you everything for natural energy installation.

  5. It depends very much on how much energy you use, how much sun you get, and how much electricity costs.

    Our house is in California, in a very good location for solar.  Our 3 kW array cost $12,000 after state rebates.  Today, that money buys a 4 kW array, according to a neighbor of mine who just got his installed 2 weeks ago.  But I think he got a fantastic deal that's unlikely to be repeated until a year or two when panel prices go down.  Our array generates more energy than the house uses, so actually, I made a mistake in sizing.

    Be careful of companies that have the business model of you putting down a deposit, then promising to install the array later.  That model may work in the future, but for today, it's vaporware.  Google "Citizenre scam" for opinions on this.

  6. Solar panels are expensive but there is a company out there that is getting ready to rent panels for home owners.  They install enough solar panels on your home to equal the amount of electricity you currently use.  The great thing is it locks your electricity rate in at what it currently is now and for as long as you contract to rent the panels. (the rent is going to basically be what you are currently paying now).  Sun light is energy and the solar panel converts it to DC current.  There is a converter placed between the panels and your home that converts it to AC current which is what your home uses.  In most states with the current regulation the power companies let you tie panels into the system and they purchase the power back from you during the day and at night or darkness you use the electricity you made during the day.  Kinda like using them as a storage for your electricity.  Some units may also have a battery bank to store the power but this is more expensive for the homeowner.  Send me an email at and ill get the website for you.  The large chain stores are right now finally understanding how much they can save and are in the process of installing solar  panels on their flat roofs.  Get ahold of me and ill direct you in the right direction.  Thanks  Curt

  7. In my country New Zealand the whole package costs$40,000,which is about $14,000 USD.The solar panels are around about a $1000,it's the wiring and conversion that's expensive.

  8. To buy outright 30,000+

    You mite want to look at this.

  9. i do know for around a 5 by 5 panel is around $1,000.. so count how many you will need on the top of your house?

    it will save money in the long run, but it cost to start. that's why its new and not many providers. its an upcoming project that many concider on new houses. i would start just will your hot water tank. just get enough power to suply your water needs, you can even get the pipes to flow through your floors, ..... heated floors for free!!! nice.....

  10. That is a good questions.  First you should determine how many kilowatt hours of energy you use within a month.  There are plenty of sites that sell solar panel system and install them.  

    ( I have found that to provide enough solar power for a whole house, it can be in the hundreds of thousands.  )

    Once you determine how much energy you use, find out how much each solar panel will produce.  

    Check out the links, they should get you the info you will need.

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