
How much would it cost to show an advertisement on a website if you were not doing cpc. Just a normal ad?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to show an add for my website on somebody else's website. How much should I be charged?




  1. depends on how much traffic that site is getting.

  2. Depends whou you are. We charge from £15 per month.

  3. It's not an easy question. Like the previous answerer indicated it's based on traffic aka impressions. There can be a set CPM (cost per thousand) and you will be billed based on the number of impressions that will be served. Some sites have arrangements based on CPA (cost per action). That is if someone actually transacts on your site and they clicked through an ad on the previous site, you will only pay for the ones that actually bought/transacted on your site. The CPA will typically be higher than CPM but you'll only be paying for true acquisitions. Every site has a rate card so ask them for it.

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