
How much would it cost to tag along on a boat (steamer or other) to Europe?

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Can you even do that? Like in movies?




  1. Most of the shipping companies I've worked for have had passenger rooms, but don't allow passengers any more for insurance reasons.   Burning hundreds of tons of fuel and going in the wrong direction to the nearest port because a passenger has a hear attack just isn't worth the risk and expense for the companies.   There might be some flag of convenience companies that will still take people, but you could very easily end up swimming home.

  2. You can still book passage on cargo vessels through travel agents who specialize in that sort of market. From New York to North Europe would cost about $1000 and take 10 days.

  3. I do not know.

    You would have to be certain to know exactly who you are dealing with, or might end up being sold into the s*x slave trade.

    Many newer countries added to Nato have districts where women are held against their will for s*x slavery, and the local police protect the activity.

    Interpol cannot and will not do anything about it.

  4. You sound somewhat young to me young lady .It is always better to ere on the side of caution .Heed Abe`s advice

    above me .At the rate those crews turn over on those boats .no one is ever held accountable for anything.. only go on one if it is in the movies.

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