
How much would it cost to travel to Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Brazil but within a month s

by Guest59111  |  earlier

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How much would it cost to travel to Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Brazil but within a month s




  1. A lot has to do with how much you actually want to see and how long you have in each country and what kind of accomidations you want and how you want to travel.

    Assuming you are flying from the US, the most expensive piece will be the flight to South America.  Getting from country to country shouldn't be that bad as long as you do smaller hops.  Try to book the flights as a multi destination instead of individual one way trips, it is usually cheaper that way.  Also look at taking the bus, in most countries you can take a first class bus which would allow you to travel distances in comfort and allow you to sleep to some degree while traveling.

    Rough guess, you should be able to travel with 2 people moderately for 5k.   Again, that depends on exact stops and hotels.

  2. Six countries in one month plus transportation time gives you about two and a half days in each country if you were to fly.The cost for food, hotels, and travel expense would be slighty less than $12,000.US

    Why do you ask?

  3. Well, the cheap way to do it is to fly to Mexico ($500 rt?), then take the bus into Guatemala and back, then fly to whichever of those other countries has cheapest airfare ($1200+ to Peru??), then do a circuit of the other countries by bus, say Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil.  Stay in cheap hotels, either make your own food or eat in cheap restaurants.  You could probably do it for a lot less than $12,000.

    Latin American buses are cheap and not S****y like Greyhound, and the first class and deluxe are usually fairly comfortable

    You could even take the Tica bus down to Panama from Guate, then take the short flight to Colombia or Venezeula....

    Oh wait...a month?  You could probably do it, but I think you'd be better off focusing on one or two or at most 3 countries.  You don't want to go insane.

  4. I think that 12g's is a little steep but it could get high if you need nice accomodations...but to travel in the rustic mode, as I often do...i think one could do it for closer to 6 grand. (I could do it  for 4-5 grand)

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