
How much would it possibly cost to make a shelf?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, Im thinking about building my own shelf since I cant find one to fit my space. I'll be using very thin pieces of wood, since it will only be holding some cabbage patch dolls that belong to my daughter.

The space is 25 inches wide and Id like shelves 8 inches out and the whole thing about 4 ft high. Any rough ideas? Obviously to get an exact Id have to go to the store, Im just looking for an idea..

Im looking to do the cheapest, as these dolls dont weigh hardly anything anyway and Im on a budget.





  1. go to a store and buy some shelves...go to walmart!!!

    obvioulsy its going to cost a LOT, since you have never built anyting before.

  2. i am extimating the cost will be aroung 40-60 depending on the type of wood ur buying. My friend built her own closet shelf with her dad a couple months back and she told me it cost her 45 dollors. but then again, her closet is pretty wide

  3. The do make 24" wide by 48" tall shelf units that will fit into a 25" space. You have to actually go to a store and look , don`t waste time looking on the internet. And they will cost less than building your own. Or just go out a steal a bunch of milk crates if you are that cheap.

  4. Some 90 degree mounting brackets, screws and plastic plugs and wood... I'd say you'd be able to get all that for around $30 if I was shooting for a high number.

  5. Im thinking it would run around 50-ish.

    edit- Sorry if this got sent to you multiple times, my comp is slow.

  6. try lowes. for some pine board....  12inch  wide . and buy two support brackets. for around  $2.99 each   and some screws

      for around  $20  you will find all you need

  7. Its the weekend, it brings out a lot of bitter people that have no lives. Dont pay any attention to it.

    As far as your shelves go, even though they are cpks, Id get something a little sturdier than plywood if I were you. Try Lowes, and Im sure it would cost much less than $100!! Good luck!

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