
How much would it take for a first time?

by Guest63817  |  earlier

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My friend and I are splitting a fifth of vodka next friday. I haven't been drunk ever, but I've been tipsy. Would half of a fifth of vodka get me pretty good?




  1. WARNING!!!

    10oz of Vodka in less then an hour could be fatal.

    We hear about it every school year, deaths from over intoxication take several students every fall. Enjoy yourself, but remember,"party Till you puke" went out with the 80's.Just because you have a fifth, doesn't mean you have to drink it all at once. You'll need some for in the morning, to beat back the hang over.

  2. yeah that should do ya, especially if it isn't in a mixed drink

  3. Well I learned something today. I guess a fifth is a 750ml bottle.

    Half of a fifth will be more than enough. That's 13 drinks. Being your first time I wouldn't be surprised if half that did you in.

    EDIT: Also, spread your drinks out over a long period. You need to realize that it usually takes a little while for them to hit you. You might say to yourself "oh, this isn't doing anything" and take a bunch more only to have it all hit you 20 minutes later and ruin your night.

  4. first time i got drunk it took me two shots of tequila...

    although, a year and a half on and i'm still not much better, i can only handle about 1-2 pints before im gone :P

    my suggestion is don't start with vodka, have something like shots, where you can have one or two and then see how you feel :)

  5. If you've never been drunk before then yeah that should be plenty, just make sure you drink it slowly, preferably mixed with coke or something over the course of a few hours, drinking that much in a short time will just make you sick.

    Also drink plenty of water before you go to sleep afterwards and you wont have too bad of a hangover.

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