
How much would it take?

by  |  earlier

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It took me atleast near a full bottle of aftershock to get pissed but im not sure if i was outta my head cause i can still remember everything but i was like fallin everywhere so how many bacardi breezers would it take for me to get wasted lol and ohh yeah if the smartest man in the world got wasted every weekend would he turn dumb?




  1. its not big and its not clever you dumb ***

  2. dumb question!

  3. I drank 18 Bacardi breezers one day and had been more drunk from 1 can of lager.

  4. 6-14 Bacardi breezers  in a row without a break  

  5. I love reading these questions and answers from inexperienced teens just starting to drink.

    If only they knew how obvious all their boasting and lying was...

  6. probably he'd get dumb.. or die trying...

    but breezers are nothing, i mean you could probably down 10 of them no problem..

    BUT.. as much as that sounds like a "good" thing... it sucks, i mean high tolerance is not the best thing... expensive and bad for health..

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