
How much would it take to de-rail a train?

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How much would it take to de-rail a train?




  1. a man in a car de railed one near me once.....he was trying to kill himself and eneded up killing m,ost of the train people as well! it was very sad, please dont try to de rail one!

  2. Not much, a bent rail, an obstruction on the tracks, a panic stop

  3. well i have seen a 2 pence coin de-rail a train. so it wont take that much

  4. Do MI5 and MI6 still monitor these questions?

  5. get a life sicko. try reading Enid Blyton to calm your nerves.

  6. I can derail a train in less than 10 sec. with very little work. but I not telling how.I help put them on the track, not take them off.

  7. you really really are a stupid person. No wait calling you stupid is an insult to the stupid people. Your more mad.

    I know how to derail a train and just how much of XYZ you need.

    Save us all from your stupidty and hand yourself in for asking stupid questions.

  8. What kind of ideot are you!!!!

  9. As a railway signaller, I could do it for you but that aint gonna happen, that'd be foolish!!!!!

  10. Ignor what John Said about putting your head on the track on a dark night! With my job I have to deal with that sort of thing all the time and the pictures are not nice!

    Anyway it is a stange question, but if you are not planning anything I can answer. In the 1950's a signaller moved a set of points while a train was crossing them and he caused a major accident that lead to a loss of life. It turned out that the signaller had a mental problem but he ended up in prison.

  11. why are you asking this? are you planning to de-rail one?

  12. A few large concrete blocks placed on the track. This would result in derailing a train and probably cause loss of life and many injuries followed by a charge of manslaughter if not murder when you get caught, and this would be followed by a life sentence.

    Stick to playing with your toy trains ! ! !

  13. Now that would be telling wouldn't it.

  14. It would take you to grow up, and think about the other that you think about hurting.  Also it would take a jail times for you when you get caught.

  15. More than  you could afford. Derailing a train is nothing short of attempted murder so I hope that you're not planning to try it.

  16. A car on the track should about do it. Or something of a similar size and weight.


    Hopefully you don't have a pilot's license!

  18. Well Dras, I am going to assume you're not an idiot and take this opportunity to bang on my safety drum for a bit.

    It is much easier than most would think, derailing a train. That's what makes it such a big problem that isn't being addressed at this time by either the railroads or the Department of Homeland Security.

    Most everyone knows we could never possibly protect each foot of track within the United States with people that have that specific purpose.  So, this is one the general population has to do for themselves.

    I have said it before and will keep doing so.  If anyone sees ANYTHING that even remotely looks curious or suspicious, report what is seen immediately to the most local law enforcement agency.  

    It is more likely that what is seen may be nothing dangerous at all.  But, it is far better to have a few moments of humility (by the way, a little humility is a good thing.  It keeps ya in touch with reality) from making an honest mistake than it is to live with a lifetime of guilt when learning that what you saw and didn't bother to report in fact caused a major pile up with major loss of life.

    There are over 600,000,000 eyes in this country.  Open them.  Use them.  Pay attention and report that which just seems out of the ordinary.

    It is only the every day folks that can provide a modicum of protection for our extensive rail infrastructure.

  19. It actually takes quite a bit, but I'll remind you it's a felony.  Since it's a federal crime, it brings in the FBI.  A guy in my state deliberately derailed a train a few years ago in which a member of the crew was killed.  He got life with no parole.

    Kent in SD

  20. I often wondr where people ask where people get these questions from, and what makes them tick to ask such things! I think you could do with some professional help if you ask me!

  21. This is a message from the FBI (Far Better Individual),Not a good question to ask, but if you put on a cast iron suit you can through yourself at the train and see what happens. Wait! make that an aluminum suit! Nah! you don't need a suit.Theirs enough derailments  with any help from you.Go to Iraq and derail the war.

  22. a ramp to bring one side of train up and over the rails .. just the initial impact to the ramp would derail it and then you have a derailed engine with 50 or more cars screeching to a halt and slamming into one another .. the train would derail in multiple spots possibly

    but dont do it .. that'd be g*y

  23. A train weighs thousands of tons so lifting it off the rail would be a pretty good trick. Derailments happen for a variety of reasons, usually defrctive equipment or track, I hope you're not asking for a diagram on how to do it, that would be pretty expensive LOL.

  24. And why would you want to know that?

  25. remove a section of the track. that would definitely do it. especially around a turn.

  26. You lying with your head on the rail on a dark night .

  27. just takes one forty pound piece of gear... that's all I'm gonna tell ya cause i don't want to clean up any mess you make...

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