
How much would it typically cost to have horse stables constructed?

by Guest56066  |  earlier

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I am wanting to build a stable of my own with my own horses. I know it is about 2 acres per horse. I would like to start off with 3 horses. So, I was wondering how much land should I go for and how much would it typically to have stables built cost with electricity etc?? Also who would construct stables for this sort of thing?




  1. 7thousand for the materials and my dad built it on his own.

    which means it cant be that hard to make.

  2. Consult a contractor. We built a barn with two 16X14 stalls butch doors front and back two windows on either side. A 12X12 tack room and fenced in 4 acres with no clim reinforced with braces. (We used true, no climb) We have a concrete aisle and our barn is shedrow style. I can post pics if you want. We also made an arena and the two pastures are seperate but our whole property is fenced so the horses cannot get out.and a dry lot behing the barn

  3. You dont need tons of land if you are thinking 1 acre to have your horse fed on your wrong !! you will have to have lots of grass yr round  and it would be about 5 acres of good green grass for one horse

    Now if your going to feed hay every day 1/2 acre per horse is fine  Dont ever keep babys on less then that ,They need room to run and grow,,

    Now the stables will cost any where from 5,000 a stall to 10 ,00 a stall if you want a contractor to build it

    This all depends on if you use steel or wood

  4. I dont know about land value and prices?

    but. for materials it would probably cost no more then 10,000. and it depends on who you hire. If you could get a bunch of your friends to help you out and know at least a little baout construction it would take 3 weekends at the most. If you were to hire a construction company they will inflate everything so that the price can sky rocket to 50,000.

  5. it depends on where,how big what wood and the constrocter

  6. 40 thousand to have a good barn built.

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