
How much would my bill be for this iphone 3g plan?

by  |  earlier

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I would only get the 450 anytime minutes plan which I'm guessing is the cheapest plan, if there is something cheaper let me know. I would want 1,500 text messages and obviously the unlimited data it comes with. Ive been searching but different sources tell me different things, some say $75 some say up to $95 a month. Does anyone ahve a plan similar to this for the iphone 3g that can help and say what their monthly bill looks like?




  1. I just got the exact plan you described and my first bill came in the mail yesterday.  It is pro-rated but has a total for what my monthly bill will be.  I have to say, I'm a little surprised with how high it is.  I have the 450 minute plan with 1500 text messages.

    Here is the bill breakdown:

    Nation 450....   $39.99

    Data Plan .....   $30.00

    Text Mess......  $15.00

    Total......            $84.99


    Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge...  $.33

    Federal Universal Service Fund.....     $2.59

    Other AT&T Surcharges.....................  $9.35

    Government Fees & Taxes................  $0.00

    State and Local Tax............................  $7.42

    TOTAL CHARGES.............................  $104.68

    So after taxes and c**p charges by AT&T, I'm over $100 which is what I was trying to avoid.

    This is exactly what the bill says.  I live in St. Louis, MO so taxes could be different but should be very close.

    I hope this was helpful.  I've also been reading stuff about new features on the iphone at if you are interested in reviews of applications and accessories.

  2. This is how it breaks down:

    450 minute plan:  $39.99/month

    1500 text messages:  $15.00/month

    Unlimited iPhone Data Plan:  $30.00/month

    Total price per month:  $84.99/month

    I hope this helps.  :)

  3. well i beleieve the regular 450 plan is 70 dollars, then its 5 dollars every 250 text messages, so i would say 100 dollars. o by the way, do u live in a different country or something, because in america everyone has unlimited data?

  4. approx $70 a month but with 1500 texts, it will be more. why not go to their website and review the plans

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